Thursday, February 18, 2021

Moses & Miriam: Escaping into Wilderness

Scripture:  Exodus 15:1-21 (Common English Bible)
Focus:    The Lord is my strength and my power; he has become my salvation. This is my God, whom I will praise, the God of my ancestors, whom I will acclaim. ~Exodus 15:2

Commentary: Moses was sent to the Israelites to set them free. God helped them escape and saved them from the Egyptians.  God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites but allowed the waters to drown the Egyptians. They sang God’s praises that day with poetic song and voice!  

And yet, they seemed to trade one wilderness for another.  For 40 years the Israelites wandered, searching for the Promised Land, living life together on the land as God provided manna, the bread of heaven, to sustain them.  They grumbled, complained and rebelled.  And yet, I am sure they also experienced joy along the way. It’s called life.

Reflection:  What is your story of freedom?  How has God been your Liberator and your Sustainer?   What do you grumble and complain about?  What do you praise God for?

If music is a pathway for you, listen to The Lord is my Salvation, Keith & Kristyn Getty on YouTube.

Breath Prayer for the Day: Breathing in … My God, my strength
                Breathing out … I will praise you

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