Friday, February 19, 2021

Jonah: Running Away into Wilderness

Scripture:  Jonah
Focus: But me, I will offer a sacrifice to you with a voice of thanks. That which I have promised, I will pay. Deliverance belongs to the Lord!” ~Jonah 2:9

Commentary: Jonah is a wilderness man, whose heart we never really see change in the text, but we hope it changes over time as does ours.  He didn’t think the people of Ninevah, whose evil had come to God’s attention, should be recipients of God’s grace.  

Jonah first refused God’s call, ran away, and found his first wilderness in the belly of a fish. He repents and writes a beautiful prayer when God saves him.  His behavior changed but I’m not sure his heart did. There’s always another wilderness ahead … after Jonah preaches to the Ninevites, they repent, and God saves them!  But Jonah was angry … and anger becomes his next wilderness.  

Reflection:  Is there anything that makes you SO angry that you would run away from God’s call to share the gospel?  What is it and why do you feel that way?  Is there any sin you don’t believe God should forgive?  Why or why not?  Any people you believe lie outside of God’s love and grace?  Who are they and why?

If music is a spiritual pathway for you, listen to Deliverer by Matt Maher.

Breath Prayer for the Day  
Breathing in … God of Deliverance
Breathing out … Save me from myself


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