Wednesday, February 17, 2021

King David: Finding Wilderness in Sin

Scripture: 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a, Psalm 51:1-17 (Common English Bible)    
Focus: You want truth in the most hidden places; you teach me wisdom in the most secret space. ~Psalm 51:6

Commentary:  Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent.  As we begin our journey into the wilderness, wandering with the Psalms as our prayer partner, we are invited to spend time wondering, reflecting, examining our spiritual life as we repent of our sin and remember we are dust and to dust we will return. 

Psalms 51 was written by King David as a response to his own sin, recognized when Nathan the prophet confronted him.  King David was a “man after God’s own heart” because he was responsive to God’s word, a man of continual self-examination, confession, repentance (change, turn toward God) and openness to God’s abundant grace.

Reflection:  What spiritual practices do you engage in that lead you into self-examination?  What does repentance (turning toward God) look like in your life?  How open are you to letting go and resting in Grace?

If music is a spiritual pathway for you, listen to this arrangement of In the Secret by Chris Tomlin on YouTube.

Breath Prayer for the Day:      Breathing in … God of Wisdom
 Breathing out … Change me in the Secret

Ash Wednesday at Holy Covenant UMC

Drive-Thru Ashes 6:30-8:30 am

Ash Wednesday Worship at 6:00 pm (Streaming

Drive-Thru Ashes 6:30-7:30 pm


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