Saturday, February 20, 2021

Jesus: Led into Wilderness

Scripture:  Matthew 4:1-11    
Focus:    ‘It is written, “One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God … Do not put the Lord your God to the test … Worship the Lord your God, and serve only God.”’  ~Matthew 4:, 7, 10 (NRSV)

Commentary:  Sometimes God leads us into the wilderness, and it often happens just after we’ve experienced a spiritual mountaintop.  Just ask Moses, Miriam, and Jesus!  Wilderness can manifest as a trial separation from God.  Just ask Jonah!  Sometimes sin, individual or communal, leads us into the wilderness and grace that leads us out.  Just ask King David!  I also believe sometimes life leads us into the wilderness, maybe it’s a pandemic, or a natural disaster. Perhaps it is below freezing temperatures and busted pipes! Why not pick up the phone and check on your neighbor!

Whatever the circumstances, wilderness is a place where we are tempted to believe that God is not with us. No matter how we get to the wilderness, our faith in God is tested. And each of us has a choice to make.  Our response will determine whether we grow closer to God or further away from God.  Jesus chose to rely on God.  He lifted up God’s faithfulness with scripture and rested in God’s care.  No matter what our wilderness is or how we get there, God is always with us, strengthening us, guiding us, and sustaining us.  

Reflection: What kind of wilderness have you experienced in your spiritual journey?  Did you move closer to God or further away from God or both, sometimes at the same time?  How did you move through the wilderness?  Where are you today?

If music is a spiritual pathway for you, you might listen to Not by Bread Alone, words and music by Randall Goodgame.

Breath Prayer for the Day:  

Breathing in … Jesus, Bread of Life 

Breathing out … Sustain me with the Word

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