Monday, December 14, 2020

Jesus, Teacher

Scripture        Read Mark 6:1-13, 30-34
Focus Verse    Mark 6:34    
When Jesus went ashore, he saw a large crowd, and he felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and He began to teach them many things.

Jesus began his public ministry by engaging people in the synagogue as a teacher. This teaching was offered to any and all people willing to be taught. Jesus shared lessons that could be understood by adults and children alike. His charismatic teaching style held the attention of all who heard him, and he soon became a traveling teacher.  

Although sometimes condemned by Jewish officials, Jesus did not separate his compassion from his teaching or any of the ministry he engaged in. In so many of his encounters with suffering people, Jesus teaches us that it is hard to internalize spiritual concepts when we are physically affected by situations such as hunger, illness, pain, rejection, and pride.

Reflection: What has Jesus taught you about compassion? 
Prayer Breathing in … Jesus my Teacher
Prayer Breathing out … Have compassion

If music is a spiritual pathway for you, listen to this sweet voice of a child singing "Tell me the Stories of Jesus" via YouTube. Watching it and remembering the stories of Jesus takes us beyond the names of Jesus we've been exploring.  What an incredible gift we've received from all of the teachers throughout our lives, serving God through sharing the stories!  May we continue that tradition, telling the stories of Jesus, and teaching the next generation. 

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