Sunday, December 6, 2020

Jesus, Messiah

Scripture         Read Matthew 16:13-19
Focus Verse    Matthew 16:15, 16 
Then Jesus asked them, “But who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” 

Commentary: Jesus wasn’t what the Jewish people expected. They wanted liberation from Roman oppression and a return to the days of prosperity under King David.  It was, after all, their understanding of the promises God made to them.  Yet, Jesus did not come to establish power over people, he came to offer himself as a sacrifice. Jesus is rejected because people, even his closest friends, couldn’t see past their expectations. But Jesus was not a people pleaser, and he would never be the powerful ruler they thought they needed!  At first glance, Jesus is the image of powerlessness, born to Mary, a poor young girl, in a relationship that was most likely whispered about behind closed doors.  But God's sense of power is very different from ours.  The Holy Spirit is the power of God.  Empowered by the Spirit, Jesus was deeply intent upon his purpose.  Jesus came to be the World’s Messiah!  

Reflection: Who do you say Jesus is?

Prayer Breathing in … Jesus, Messiah
Prayer Breathing out … Liberate me

If music is a spiritual pathway for you, here is a beautiful advent anthem by Lloyd Larson, Come Messiah! via YouTube, courtesy of the publishing house, Lorenz Corporation.  Indeed Mr. Larson, "the world in silence waits the day when hope shall sing its triumph, and sorrows flee away."

We invite you to worship with us.  You can join us live OR recorded.

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