Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Jesus, Healer

Scripture        Read Luke 4:31-41
Focus Verse    Luke 4:40   
While the sun was setting, all those who had any who were sick with various diseases brought them to him; laying his hands on each of them, he was healing them.

Commentary: Nearly one fifth of all Gospel stories are dedicated to the healing ministry of Jesus, and that is more than any other kind of experience that people had with him. Matthew refers to "multitudes" who were healed from physical and mental illnesses. The scriptural meaning of healing is “wholeness,” which reaches way beyond cure for bodily ailments.  Wherever Jesus went, he made people completely whole while encouraging them to go and live fully. Although Jesus would frequently heal large numbers of people, he refused to "perform" for people who only wanted to test him. 

Jesus healed because he desired to set people free to be all they could be.  Remember when he clearly said, "I have come to set the captives free."  In the act of healing Jesus was showing his power over evil and darkness. As we read scripture we see Jesus healing people in many different ways.  He allowed the Spirit to guide him in each circumstance.  He healed with spit.  He spoke healing from afar when someone begged for a loved one to be healed. He touched those considered untouchable.  Jesus listened to their needs with the ears of his heart and healed every person in unique ways, with such love!

Reflection: How has Jesus made you whole?
Prayer Breathing in … Healing Jesus
Prayer Breathing out … Make our World whole 

If music is a spiritual pathway for you, listen to "Heal Us, Emmanuel, Hear our Prayer," via YouTube.  This hymn was written by William Cowper in 1779 and is performed by Indelible Grace Music. 

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