Psalm 119:105
This week we are moving forward considerably. We have been on a journey through the desert "testing" with Jesus over that last few weeks of Lent. This week we struggle with Jesus in a different place. We move from the struggles of the wilderness desert to the struggles of his Garden "desert" on the Mount of Olives. We'll look at his exchanges with the disciples and his prayers to God and we'll walk the labyrinth. Do you
have easy access to a Labyrinth that you could walk? If not, you
can take this Link to a finger Labyrinth that you can download and print: PDF File/Labyrinth. If you prefer, here is a link to an online virtual labyrinth.
There are a couple of links I find between the struggles Jesus has in the desert and in the garden. We witness his amazing sense of overcoming temptation/testing and his "surrender." His desert struggles signal his surrender to the beginning of his ministry and his declaration that he worships only God and he serves only God. In the garden, as he prays we can see that as he faces death he is surrendering his human will in order to fulfill the will of God. I see another "link" in Luke's gospel when the Angel comes to strengthen Jesus.
Jesus is at the beginning of the end of his ministry on earth. In a way, he gives us new "Lanterns in the Desert." He is facing death and he fulfills in a powerful way worshiping and serving only God. This is so hard. Everyday we make this choice ... do I serve myself and my desires today OR do I serve God and God's desires?
Take a few moments to think about your life and your desire to have your own way with your life. Have there been moments lately when you have felt the desire to pray but have not found the time to do so? Has there been someone you know you should reach out to but have been afraid or reluctant to engage? How do you worship God? How do you serve God? How is your worship of God manifested in the ways you are serving God?
When you are ready to move into the text, settle into a place of loving openness within yourself with a simple Breath Prayer. Use this one or allow one to emerge as you breathe in and breathe out for 5-10 minutes.
Breathing in ... Jesus, my Lord and my Savior
Breathing out ... Help me to focus only on God
There are a couple of links I find between the struggles Jesus has in the desert and in the garden. We witness his amazing sense of overcoming temptation/testing and his "surrender." His desert struggles signal his surrender to the beginning of his ministry and his declaration that he worships only God and he serves only God. In the garden, as he prays we can see that as he faces death he is surrendering his human will in order to fulfill the will of God. I see another "link" in Luke's gospel when the Angel comes to strengthen Jesus.
Jesus is at the beginning of the end of his ministry on earth. In a way, he gives us new "Lanterns in the Desert." He is facing death and he fulfills in a powerful way worshiping and serving only God. This is so hard. Everyday we make this choice ... do I serve myself and my desires today OR do I serve God and God's desires?
Take a few moments to think about your life and your desire to have your own way with your life. Have there been moments lately when you have felt the desire to pray but have not found the time to do so? Has there been someone you know you should reach out to but have been afraid or reluctant to engage? How do you worship God? How do you serve God? How is your worship of God manifested in the ways you are serving God?
When you are ready to move into the text, settle into a place of loving openness within yourself with a simple Breath Prayer. Use this one or allow one to emerge as you breathe in and breathe out for 5-10 minutes.
Breathing in ... Jesus, my Lord and my Savior
Breathing out ... Help me to focus only on God
Pray: Holy God, your Word is my light and my lantern! Sometimes I struggle with the "only" part of what you are calling me to. Somehow I think I can have it all but I know that I can't, not really. Help me to accept my struggles as a chance to grow closer to you. Amen.
Jesus carries Jewish scripture in his heart to light his path. Today we take the words of Jesus and let them shine on our own path. Allow yourself to be drawn deeply into God’s Presence as you read and pray and listen for the whispers of God through the text. "Read" Luke 22:39-46 (NET) slowly. Imagine yourself as one of the disciples, sleeping but not really, more filled with grief and despair. Allow your awareness to emerge as you read. What do you hear? What do you see? How are your senses attuned to what is unfolding as you "visualize" the scene in the Garden at the Mount of Olives?
Then Jesus went out and made his way, as he customarily did, to the Mount of Olives, and the disciples followed him. When he came to the place, he said to them,
“Pray that you will not fall into temptation.”
He went away from them about a stone’s throw, knelt down, and prayed,
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me.
Yet not my will but yours be done.”
[Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And in his anguish he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.] When he got up from prayer, he came to the disciples and found them sleeping, exhausted from grief. So he said to them,
“Why are you sleeping?
Get up and pray that you will not fall into temptation!”
the passage again. Is there a word or phrase that captures your
attention as you read? It may even be an image that will emerge for
you. Perhaps
this word or phrase or image will shine light into your life. Let it
illuminate your life as you walk the labyrinth and "Reflect" on what you are hearing.
When you are on your way, turn your word or phrase or image over in your mind. Let God speak into your heart as you listen. Take time to "Release" anything that emerges that you need to let go of in order to move on in your prayers.
Come to a time of pause … at the center of the Labyrinth or wherever you are. Take time to "Receive" and welcome God's word for you. Consider these questions or others that may arise in your time of pause: Where is God speaking into my nagging desire to worship little gods in my life ... through my word, phrase, or image? How is God inviting me to turn toward Jesus? How is my life touched by the word of God today?
As you walk or move out of the center along the same path you took that brought you to your pause, know that you are gaining strength for your continuing journey of life. How is God inviting me to focus on worship and service? How is God calling me to pray more fervently? As you walk, take the time to "Respond" to God ... it doesn't have to be in words, it may be in a body prayer or in simple silence or ... however it seems right to you!
As you reach the end of the Labyrinth pathway, it is time to "Rest" in the silence of God's Presence. Allow God to light your lantern in the desert with simplicity and healing grace.
Simply BE with the God who always hears your prayers.
Be aware that you may find a desire to express what you have received. This is a wonderful time to journal. Write about your experience, thoughts, feelings, and insights. Some persons find that God’s voice is clarified through the writing process.
To end your time of Labyrinth Prayer, stand at the edge of the Labyrinth and read/speak Psalm 22 ... for it is another Lantern in your Life ! Jesus cried out with the first words from this psalm from the cross. Because Jesus was steeped in the Scripture, we know he had the entire psalm in his heart. It was a lament in his death but as you read further, you also see the trust and the single-minded focus on God's provision. Breathe in the poignant beauty as you pray Psalm 22 with Jesus.
My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?
I groan in prayer, but help seems far away.
My God, I cry out during the day,
but you do not answer,
and during the night my prayers do not let up.
You are holy;
you sit as king receiving the praises of Israel.
In you our ancestors trusted;
they trusted in you and you rescued them.
To you they cried out, and they were saved;
in you they trusted
I groan in prayer, but help seems far away.
My God, I cry out during the day,
but you do not answer,
and during the night my prayers do not let up.
You are holy;
you sit as king receiving the praises of Israel.
In you our ancestors trusted;
they trusted in you and you rescued them.
To you they cried out, and they were saved;
in you they trusted
and they were not disappointed.
But I am a worm, not a man;
people insult me and despise me.
All who see me taunt me;
they mock me and shake their heads.
They say,
“Commit yourself to the Lord!
Let the Lord rescue him!
Let the Lord deliver him, for he delights in him.”
Yes, you are the one who brought me out from the womb
and made me feel secure on my mother’s breasts.
I have been dependent on you since birth;
from the time I came out of my mother’s womb
But I am a worm, not a man;
people insult me and despise me.
All who see me taunt me;
they mock me and shake their heads.
They say,
“Commit yourself to the Lord!
Let the Lord rescue him!
Let the Lord deliver him, for he delights in him.”
Yes, you are the one who brought me out from the womb
and made me feel secure on my mother’s breasts.
I have been dependent on you since birth;
from the time I came out of my mother’s womb
you have been my God.
Do not remain far away from me,
for trouble is near and I have no one to help me.
Many bulls surround me;
powerful bulls of Bashan hem me in.
They open their mouths to devour me
like a roaring lion that rips its prey.
My strength drains away like water;
all my bones are dislocated;
my heart is like wax;
it melts away inside me.
The roof of my mouth is as dry as a piece of pottery;
my tongue sticks to my gums.
You set me in the dust of death.
Yes, wild dogs surround me—
a gang of evil men crowd around me;
like a lion they pin my hands and feet.
I can count all my bones;
my enemies are gloating over me in triumph.
They are dividing up my clothes among themselves;
they are rolling dice for my garments.
But you, O Lord, do not remain far away!
You are my source of strength! Hurry and help me!
Deliver me from the sword!
Save my life from the claws of the wild dogs!
Rescue me from the mouth of the lion,
and from the horns of the wild oxen!
You have answered me!
I will declare your name to my countrymen!
In the middle of the assembly I will praise you!
You loyal followers of the Lord, praise him!
All you descendants of Jacob, honor him!
All you descendants of Israel, stand in awe of him!
For he did not despise
Do not remain far away from me,
for trouble is near and I have no one to help me.
Many bulls surround me;
powerful bulls of Bashan hem me in.
They open their mouths to devour me
like a roaring lion that rips its prey.
My strength drains away like water;
all my bones are dislocated;
my heart is like wax;
it melts away inside me.
The roof of my mouth is as dry as a piece of pottery;
my tongue sticks to my gums.
You set me in the dust of death.
Yes, wild dogs surround me—
a gang of evil men crowd around me;
like a lion they pin my hands and feet.
I can count all my bones;
my enemies are gloating over me in triumph.
They are dividing up my clothes among themselves;
they are rolling dice for my garments.
But you, O Lord, do not remain far away!
You are my source of strength! Hurry and help me!
Deliver me from the sword!
Save my life from the claws of the wild dogs!
Rescue me from the mouth of the lion,
and from the horns of the wild oxen!
You have answered me!
I will declare your name to my countrymen!
In the middle of the assembly I will praise you!
You loyal followers of the Lord, praise him!
All you descendants of Jacob, honor him!
All you descendants of Israel, stand in awe of him!
For he did not despise
or detest the suffering of the oppressed;
he did not ignore him;
when he cried out to him, he responded.
You are the reason I offer praise in the great assembly;
I will fulfill my promises
he did not ignore him;
when he cried out to him, he responded.
You are the reason I offer praise in the great assembly;
I will fulfill my promises
before the Lord’s loyal followers.
Let the oppressed eat and be filled!
Let those who seek his help praise the Lord!
May you live forever!
Let all the people of the earth
Let the oppressed eat and be filled!
Let those who seek his help praise the Lord!
May you live forever!
Let all the people of the earth
acknowledge the Lord and turn to him!
Let all the nations worship you!
For the Lord is king
and rules over the nations.
All of the thriving people of the earth
Let all the nations worship you!
For the Lord is king
and rules over the nations.
All of the thriving people of the earth
will join the celebration and worship;
all those who are descending into the grave
all those who are descending into the grave
will bow before him,
including those who cannot preserve their lives.
A whole generation will serve him;
they will tell the next generation
including those who cannot preserve their lives.
A whole generation will serve him;
they will tell the next generation
about the sovereign Lord.
They will come and tell about his saving deeds;
they will tell a future generation
They will come and tell about his saving deeds;
they will tell a future generation
what he has accomplished.
Amen ...
If art is a pathway to God for you, you may want to gaze upon the image below and engage in Visio Divina with it...
![]() |
By Carl Heinrich Bloch ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
the Image ... Allow your eyes to seek softly what you are attracted to
in the image. Simply receive the gift of seeing. What image within the
image is drawing you in ... Allow yourself a few moments simply to sit
with this gift.
Receive the Image ... Take a deep breath
and gaze with soft eyes and a receptive spirit. After receiving, close
your eyes and reflect by allowing your imagination to form that image in
your consciousness ... what are you receiving from God through the
image? How does this illuminate your life right now?
to God ... Now take a deep breath and gaze with soft eyes and a
grateful spirit. How do you sense yourself desiring to respond to God
through the image you have received? What would you say to God about
what you are hearing, seeing, feeling? Allow yourself to pray with
gratitude ...
Rest in God ... Now take a deep breath and
rest ... notice how your body feels. Is there something more here?
Then go back and repeat your "gazing" prayer. If you feel that you
have received all you need in this moment, simply rest in the silence
and come to a place of shalom, peace, wholeness ...
To end your time of Visio Divina ... Join Jesus in lifting up his Lantern in the Desert:
“Pray that you will not give in to temptation.”
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