Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lanterns in the Desert/Lenten Lectio: Do not put the Lord your God to the test!

Your word is a lantern to my feet
 and a light to my path.
 Psalm 119:105

Our Lenten journey takes place in our desert, that place in our life where we wander and wonder and struggle with who we are and what we are called to be and to do.  It is a place of "testing."   After his baptism, the Spirit led Jesus into the desert where he spent 40 days wandering, wondering, and struggling.  He used the Word of God as his Light and his "Lantern in the Desert."  As we walk with Jesus in the desert carrying our own lanterns to light the path, we deepen our trust in God as we let go of trying to control our lives and make things happen.  We surrender to God.  We are invited to learn how to let God provide for us in our wilderness, just as Jesus did.  

For the next couple of weeks we look at the 2nd temptation of Christ as we expand our Lectio and Labyrinth experience.  This week we engage in Lectio and next week we'll walk the Labyrinth.  

Before we engage in Lectio Divina, or sacred reading, let us focus on God's loving presence by creating and breathing with a Breath Prayer.  Try this one or create one of your own:

Breathing in ... Holy Spirit of Jesus
Breathing out ... Strengthen me in my wilderness

When you are ready to enter into prayer with the text via Lectio Divina, take one last deep breath and pray for illumination of the text:

Holy Spirit, light the candle in my lantern as I read and pray with the Holy Word.  Increase my trust and help me to let go as I listen to the movements of God in my reading and reflection.  Amen.

Step 1:  Read Matthew 4:5-7 (Contemporary English Version) with the "eyes of your heart."   What word or phrase calls for your attention in your reading?  What word or phrase is this week's "lantern in the desert" for you? 

Next, the devil took Jesus to the holy city and had him stand on the highest part of the temple. The devil said, “If you are God’s Son, jump off. The Scriptures say:
‘God will give his angels orders about you.
They will catch you in their arms,
and you won’t hurt your feet on the stones.’”

Jesus answered, 

“The Scriptures also say, ‘Don’t try to test the Lord your God!’”

Step 2:  Read the passage again and Reflect ...
How does your lantern in the desert illuminate your life and the temptations you encounter in your desire to control your own identity and the vision you have of your life?  How are you being invited to more deeply trust in God's will and provision?

Step 3:  Read the passage again and Respond ...
What do you say to God about the insights you have discerned in your reading and reflection?   How do you pray when you consider how you are being invited to leave your life and your future in God's hands?

Step 4:  Rest ...
Come to a place of silence within yourself and just "be" with God.  Try for 10 minutes or beyond. When you are ready to move on,  pray:  

Holy Spirit, lead me deeper into a wandering wilderness this Lenten season but boldly light a Lantern in the Desert so that I may find my way with you.  Help me to know who I am as a creation of God and how I can surrender my plans in order to embrace the plans God has for me.   Amen.

If art is a pathway to God for you, you may want to gaze upon this image ...and engage in visio divina ...
The Life of Jesus Christ by James Tissot:Temptation of Jesus Christ, Brooklyn Museum, in public domain
Read the Image ... Allow your eyes to seek softly what you are attracted to in the image.  Simply receive the gift of seeing.  What image within the image is drawing you in ... Allow yourself a few moments simply to sit with this gift.

Receive the Image ... Take a deep breath and gaze with soft eyes and a receptive spirit.  After receiving, close your eyes and reflect by allowing your imagination to form that image in your consciousness ... what are you receiving from God through the image?  How does this illuminate your life right now?

Respond to God ... Now take a deep breath and gaze with soft eyes and a grateful spirit.  How do you sense yourself desiring to respond to God through the image you have received?  What would you say to God about what you are hearing, seeing, feeling?  Allow yourself to pray with gratitude ... 

Rest in God ... Now take a deep breath and rest ... notice how your body feels.  Is there something more here?  Then go back and repeat your "gazing" prayer.   If you feel that you have received all you need in this moment, simply rest in the silence and come to a place of shalom, peace, wholeness ... 

To end your time of Visio Divina ... Join Jesus in lifting up his Lantern in the Desert:

“The Scriptures also say, ‘Don’t try to test the Lord your God!’”

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