Friday, January 24, 2014

Lectio & Labyrinth: Seek the Face of God

“Seeking the face of God in everything, everyone, all the time, and [God’s] hand in every happening; This is what it means to be contemplative in the heart of the world. Seeing and adoring the presence of Jesus, especially in the lowly appearance of bread, and in the distressing disguise of the poor.”   ~ Mother Teresa, In the Heart of the World: Thoughts, Stories and Prayers
  “If a person has nothing but nature, 
then nature is enough to reveal something about God.”  
 ~Max Lucado, Grace for the Moment

Come, my heart says, seek God’s face. Psalm 27:8a

Weaving together the ancient spiritual practices of Lectio Divina with walking the Labyrinth, let us pray with Psalm 27:1, 4-9 as we contemplate seeking the face of God as we pray.  Do you have easy access to a Labyrinth that you could walk?   If not, you can take this Link to a finger Labyrinth that you can download and print: PDF File/Labyrinth.  If you prefer, I'll give you a link below to an online labyrinth within your experience of Lectio.  
As we read the lectionary selected verses of Psalm 27:1, 4-9, we remember “The Psalms” as the poetic prayer book of the Jews. We find the Psalms in the Writings of the Hebrew Bible.  Reading closely these verses from Psalm 27, we find held within these beautiful verses of praise and thanksgiving equally beautiful images of God.  In Psalm 27, God is light, salvation, fortress, beautiful, one who inhabits the temple, keeps us safe and hidden and helps us in our distress.  

What are some of the images of God that you hold in your mind, your heart and your soul?  I have heard from many spiritual writers and mystics that we become like the God whom we love.  Is this an insight that disturbs you, gives you pause, or one that makes your heart soar?  Why?

Psalm 27: 1, 4-9 also recounts the response of the Psalmist to God.  God speaks/acts and humanity responds.  These are the movements we experience in Lectio Divina and in walking the labyrinth.  God speaks and we respond.  In our labyrinth walk, we acknowledge our need to prepare our hearts to hear the word of God.  We release on our way in, we listen for God as we pause at the center to receive what God has for us, and we respond on our way out.

When you are ready to move into the text, settle into a place of loving openness within yourself with a simple Breath Prayer.  Use this one or allow one to emerge as you breathe in and breathe out. 

Breathe in ... God, my Light and my Love (Your Name for God)
Breath out ... Let me Gaze upon your Beauty (Name Your Desire)

Pray: Yahweh God, you are my light and my salvation!  The love I feel from you and the love I feel for you grow as I read the bible and learn more about you.  I simply want to be in your presence at all times in my life.  Let me see your face in the face of all people I meet.  Amen.

Read Psalm 27:1, 4-9 as you engage in Lectio Divina, Praying with Scripture.  Allow yourself to be drawn deeply into God’s Presence as you read and pray and listen for the whispers of God.   Allow yourself 

YHWH, you are my light, my salvation— whom will I fear? You are the fortress of my life— of whom will I be afraid? One thing I ask of you, YHWH, one thing I seek: that I may dwell in your house all the days of my life, to gaze on your beauty and to meditate in your Temple. You will keep me safe in your shelter when trouble arises, you will hide me under the cover of your Tabernacle— you’ll set me on a rock, high and out of reach.  Then I’ll be able to hold my head up, even with my enemies surrounding me. I will offer in your tabernacle sacrifices of great joy— I’ll sing and make music to you, YHWH! Hear me when I call, YHWH! Have mercy on me and answer me! You say to my heart, “Seek my face,” and so it is your face I seek!  Don’t hide your face from me; don’t turn your faithful one away in anger. Don’t reject me, don’t desert me, O God of my salvation, for you are my only help. (The Inclusive Bible)

Read this passage again slowly.  Consider where God is calling your attention.   Reflect on just a word or phrase.  Spend time with your word or phrase and listen to the whispers of God through the words that have drawn you into the text ... Listen!    

And walk, or run, or dance ... take your word or phrase onto a Labyrinth, perhaps you could find one at a local church or another venue.  You could use a printed labyrinth or take this link and choose an online virtual labyrinth.   OR ... You might spend some time outside in nature with what you are hearing from God.   Find a place to sit quietly.  Keeping in mind Mother Teresa’s words, you might want to talk a walk down a busy street or drive by an intersection where you often pass by a homeless man or woman holding a sign.  Look into someone’s eyes you normally wouldn’t and seek the face of God.  Some persons find that God's voice is clarified as they walk and move with the Word.  Simply let the Spirit of God guide you and get your body involved in your prayer, reflection, and seeking! 

When you are on your way, turn your word or phrase or image over in your mind. Let God speak into your heart as you listen.  Take time to "Release" anything that emerges that you need to let go of in order to move on in your prayers.

Come to a time of pause … at the center of the Labyrinth or wherever you are.  Take time to "Receive" and welcome God's word for you. Consider these questions or others that may arise in your time of pause:  Where is God speaking into my life through my word or phrase?  How is my prayer life touched by my word or phrase?
Before you begin your journey anew from the center or from wherever you are, slowly read the passage again if that seems good to you.   Turn your attention to your word or phrase.  Know that it is ok if you are being drawn in a different direction on this reading!    

Consider how you will "Respond" to what you have heard from God … 

As you walk or move out of the center along the same path you took that brought you to your pause, know that you are gaining strength for your continuing journey of life.  Who is God calling me to see in a new way?  How am I newly being called to seek the face of God?

As you reach the end of the Labyrinth pathway, it is time to Rest in the silence of God's Presence.  Allow God to draw you deeper into the shining sunlight of the Holy Presence and into the prayerful sense of God’s Spirit, ever holding you and loving you.  Let all the words fade away and stay in this lovely place as long as you can. 

Simply BE with the God who always hears your prayers.

Be aware that you may find a desire to express what you have received.  This is a wonderful time to journal.  Write about your experience, thoughts, feelings, and insights.   Some persons find that God’s voice is clarified through the writing process.

If music is a pathway for you as you are seeking God, listen to this beautiful arrangement of harp music, a song called "Seek the Face of God" on youtube, composed by Linda Larkin.  I first found this beauty at a J Philip Newell Conference and on his CD Praying for the Earth, chanted by Suzanne Butler.   Sink into the music and then ... Pray:  Yahweh God, you are my light and my salvation!  You know I run to you when my life overwhelms me.  You know I seek your face when things are rough.  Help me to seek you even when I am managing my life well.  Help me to dwell in your presence wherever I am, in all ways and in all times so that I begin to see your face, every which way I turn.  Help me to see you in nature.  Help me to see you in each person I meet.  I pray in the name of Jesus the Light-Bearer, Amen. 

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