Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Jesus, Light of the World

 Scripture        Read John 1:1-14
Focus Verse    John 8:12    
Jesus spoke to them, saying, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

Commentary: John does not have an infancy story but instead begins his Gospel with the incarnation of God as light shining in darkness and evokes thoughts about the creation story in Genesis. The Word, which was in the beginning with God was a partner in creation with God, was in relationship with God and who IS God, has now become a human being. Jesus illuminates the world and our lives with the light of his presence.  Darkness exists and often seems overwhelming but we need have no fear as long as we keep the light of Christ shining in our hearts.  Christ counts on us to reflect that light into the lives of our neighbors and friends. 

Reflection: How are you walking in the light of Christ?  How do you shine that light in the world?

Prayer Breathing in … Light of the World
Prayer Breathing out … Fill me with Light

If music is a spiritual pathway for you, take a few moments to listen to Lauren Daigle sing a Christmas song called Light of the World.  The story of the holy family unfolds via images in this YouTube video.  I love how I am noticing so many songs using many of the other names of Jesus that we are exploring!

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