Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Jesus, Good Shepherd

Scripture         Read John 10:1-18
Focus Verse    John 10:11   
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

Commentary: In the longer passage, Jesus calls himself both "the gate" and "the good shepherd."  Some of the earliest images of Jesus found in churches and tombs pictured Jesus as the gentle shepherd.  Although not a shepherd himself, he is leaning into his listener's experience with the vocation of shepherding. It was a life lived close to the land and to the sheep. Sheep are not know to be strong and independent creatures.  They are entirely dependent upon a shepherd for their survival and will not respond to others.  Shepherds were responsible for knowing their own sheep, for leading them and keeping them safe.  Jesus says the good shepherd lays his life down for the sheep and that tells us how much we are loved by God.

Reflection:  How do you experience the love of God?  How do you allow Jesus to lead you?

Prayer Breathing in … Good Shepherd
Prayer Breathing out … Lead me with Love

If music is a spiritual pathway for you, I chose Do you hear what I hear? because the words weave a lovely vision of a simply shepherd boy close to nature and close to his little lamb ... waiting for the Lamb of God to bring "goodness and light."  This song was written in October 1962, with lyrics by Noël Regney and music by Gloria Shayne, performed by Martina McBride on this YouTube video with story images. The pair, married at the time, wrote it as a plea for peace during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Here we are today, continuing to plead for peace in our world. May it be so!

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