Monday, April 6, 2020

Jerusalem! Jerusalem!

Scripture: Matthew 23:37-39       
Focus Verse: Matthew 23:37b   
Jerusalem! Jerusalem!  How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!

Commentary:  Matthew seems to say that God will abandon Israel because of their rejection of Jesus.  He indicates this is another sad instance of Israel’s mistreatment of God’s prophets. Yet because Jesus is not just a prophet but the Messiah, Matthew portrays Israel as having lost God’s healing presence.  I sense deep sadness in Jesus … but that may come from a piece of dearly loved art.

Reflection:  What emotions do you hear underneath these words of Jesus?  How do they make you feel? 

ACTS Prayer
Adoration: O God, Ground of our Being, I feel your pain!
Confession:  I feel downcast in my soul as I hear your cries.
Thanksgiving: Thank you for sharing the disappointment you feel for your people and allowing me to pray for you.
Supplication: I pray for you, O God, for your people to be healed by your presence and to be quiet in your presence.

ACTS of Faith:  Be still and silent for 5 minutes.  Allow God to surround you with peaceful presence.

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