Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dancing with God!

Hello dear one ... I invite you to sit for a moment and breathe deeply of God's healing grace.   Take a few moments to center yourself on the source of wholeness and peace.  Know that God loves you and will save you from the depths of spiritual death and despair.   Remember that when I speak of healing, I mean a deeper sense of inner wholeness rather than physical cure.

Settle into a place of deep gratitude within yourself with a simple breath prayer.  Use this one or create your own (six to eight syllables) 

      Breathe in ... Holy God (pause)
      Breath out ... I praise you (pause)

and when you are ready to move deeper into the text ... Pray:

Holy God,  fill me with joy as I read your Word and listen to me as I meditate and seek your Presence.   Amen.    

Read the poetic Psalm 30 slowly, visualizing these beautiful words of praise for the powerful transformation that only God can bring into your life.

Psalm 30     Contemporary English Version (CEV) 
I will praise you, LORD!  You saved me from the grave and kept my enemies from celebrating my death.  I prayed to you, LORD God,  and you healed me, saving me from death and the grave.  Your faithful people, LORD, will praise you with songs and honor your holy name.  Your anger lasts a little while, but your kindness lasts for a lifetime. At night we may cry, but when morning comes we will celebrate.  I was carefree and thought, "I'll never be shaken!"    You, LORD, were my friend, and you made me strong as a mighty mountain.  But when you hid your face, I was crushed.  I prayed to you, LORD, and in my prayer I said, "What good will it do you if I am in the grave?  Once I have turned to dust, can I praise you or tell how loyal you are?  Have pity, LORD! Help!"   You have turned my sorrow into joyful dancing.  No longer am I sad and wearing sackcloth. I thank you from my heart, and I will never stop singing your praises, my LORD and my God. 

Read the passage again slowly and Reflect on the word or phrase that draws your attention.   Sit with your word or phrase and listen to the small, still voice of God calling you to transformation.  Where does this word or phrase touch you?   Tuck your thoughts deep into prayer and if there is any sadness, tears, sorrow, anger, or other darker emotions within you, allow those feelings to bubble up to the surface, knowing that God is with you and will never let your soul perish.    Sit with the emerging light of God ...

Read the passage again slowly and Respond.   Share the feelings that are emerging with God.  As you once again turn your attention to your word or phrase, perhaps it is a different one on this reading ... where are you finding the transforming grace of God in your life?   Finish this thought-ful prayer:  O God, you have turned my ___________ into ___________.   Sing or shout your prayer to God and continue in an attitude of praise and thanksgiving.    

Read the passage again and Rest.  Allow the presence of God to surround you and transform you from moment to moment.  Rest until all words have faded away and you are at rest with the peace of God cradling you in Presence ... Take time to journal your meditations!

When you sense the time to move on, Pray:  
God of transformation, I praise you and thank you for you have brought  healing in my troubled soul and peace in my aching heart!   I will never stop singing your praises, my Lord and my God!  Amen.

Cindy's Journal Reflection ... joyful dancing, joy-full dancing, dancing with joy, dancing in joy ... God of the dance, I praise you.   Come and dance in my soul.  Come and dance in my heart.  Come and surround me with joy.  Come and fill me with joy.  You are my joy and my dance ... With bare feet on holy ground, I will praise you with each step I take and I will dance with you forever, my Joy and my God. 

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