Thursday, December 17, 2020

Jesus, Anointed One

Scripture        Read Isaiah 61:1-11
Focus Verse    Luke 4:18a    
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me …

Commentary: Christians have always seen glimpses of Jesus in the writings of Isaiah and apparently Jesus saw himself there first as he quotes Isaiah in Luke's Gospel.  “Christ” is the Greek translation of the Hebrew term Messiah, which means “Anointed One.”  Anointing was a common practice in biblical times, and with this simple verse we can see how closely associated the power of the Spirit is with anointing.  The gift of the Spirit is not given specifically for individuals but for the community. The community celebrates a king or priest with anointing, signifying that individual has been set aside for service on behalf of the community, to work toward peace and prosperity for all people.

In the New Testament, we find that anointing is also used in prayer for those who are ill and as a blessing for the dying.  When we engage in the spiritual practice of anointing, we acknowledge that God is the One who is calling us, setting us aside, and blessing us with healing and wholeness so that we might serve the people of God, empowered by the Spirit, and in the name of Jesus.

Reflection: What ministry has God called and anointed you for?  How do you feel filled with God’s Spirit when you serve others?

Prayer Breathing in … Anointed Jesus
Prayer Breathing out … Set me aside for ministry

If music is a spiritual pathway for you, listen to "Hail to the Lord's Anointed," via YouTube, with its strong social justice themes, sung by Sandra McCracken.  This hymn was written by James Montgomery and first published in 1821 as a Christmas hymn but not one I hear often during the Christmas season these days.  

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