Monday, November 12, 2012

Psalm 16 In the Silence You're all I Want

I'll be on Silent Retreat this week at Lakeview Methodist Conference Center in the beautiful, Texas Piney Woods near Palestine, Texas.

I invite you to breathe deeply and allow the Spirit of God to fill you as you join me in silence.  Breathe deeply and let the stillness wash over you in gentle waves.   If your mind refuses to stop, simply ask yourself if you might only pause for just a moment to immerse yourself in the beauty of Psalm 16 ... 

Breathe, breathe, breathe ...   
Read the Word ..

Psalm 16
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
A special psalm by David.

Protect me, Lord God!
    I run to you for safety,
and I have said,
    “Only you are my Lord!
    Every good thing I have
    is a gift from you.”

Your people are wonderful,
    and they make me happy,
    but worshipers of other gods
    will have much sorrow.
I refuse to offer sacrifices
of blood to those gods
    or worship in their name.

You, Lord, are all I want!
    You are my choice,
    and you keep me safe.
You make my life pleasant,
    and my future is bright.

I praise you, Lord,
    for being my guide.
Even in the darkest night,
    your teachings fill my mind.
I will always look to you,
    as you stand beside me
    and protect me from fear.
With all my heart,
I will celebrate,
    and I can safely rest.

I am your chosen one.
You won’t leave me in the grave
    or let my body decay.
You have shown me
    the path to life,
    and you make me glad
    by being near to me.
Sitting at your right side,
    I will always be joyful.

Was there a word or a phrase that caught your attention as you read?   Take that word or phrase and turn it over in your mind ... listen to the word(s) and let it (them) fill you with wonder and delight.
Perhaps you might read Psalm 16 again.
Breathe, breathe, breathe ... 
Receive the Word ... 

How is your word or phrase illuminating your life right now?  Has your word or phrase drawn attention to something in your life you need to attend to?  What might God be saying to you through this word that you have received?

Perhaps you might read Psalm 16 again.
Breathe, breathe, breathe ... 
Respond to the Word ... 

Are there words welling up within you that you need to speak to yourself?  Are there words that are emerging that you want to speak to God?  Allow the words to flow from within you as you pray with all of your self ... your mind, your body, your emotions ... are there expressions of prayer and worship that you would give as an offering to God?

Perhaps you might read Psalm 16 again.
Breathe, breathe, breathe ... 
Rest in the Word ... 

Simply allow the Silence to fall upon you, to emerge from within you, and to bloom in Love for yourself, for others, for God and for the World.

May you be blessed by God.  

As an Amen, which means "so be it," listen to this instrumental arrangement of Draw Me Close To You on Youtube.  Close your eyes or watch the majestic nature photos scroll, whichever you find most restful.

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