Saturday, October 13, 2012

Job Wk 2 Where are you God?

If you could ask God one question, what would that question be?  

For me, it would be “Why do people suffer?”   Many good Christians believe the bible says clearly that we suffer because we have sinned “and fallen short.”   Well, I’m not sure the bible speaks clearly about anything at all.  And I know that “we sin, we suffer” and “we don’t sin, we don’t suffer” is just not that simple nor is it at all true in real life.  We have only to read the book of Job in one hand and a newspaper in the other hand to know that! 

We fast-forward this week all the way to chapter 23.  In the chapters leading up to the passage for this week, Job’s “friends” have pleaded with him to simply confess his sins and his suffering will be alleviated.   Job refuses because he says he has not sinned.   Of course, they don’t believe him, but we know what he says is true.   Have you ever shouted at the bible?  This story makes me want to sit Job’s “friends” down and give them a good “shouting-to!” 

Job has lost everything from his land to his children and everything in between … Job has a wicked skin disorder driving him crazy and ostracizing him from the community.  Job sounds angry with God.  Have you ever been angry with God?   How were you able to work out your anger?   Have you ever spent time in the silence, just waiting for God to show up?

When you are ready I invite you to spend a few moments in the silence to prepare your heart to receive the Word of God as you prayerfully consider the Scripture passage for today and “wait” on God.   Breathe deeply and settle into your soul with a simple breath prayer.  Use this one or create your own (six to eight syllables)

          Breathe in … Elusive God (pause)      Breath out … hear my prayers  (pause)

and when you are ready to move deeper into the text ...  Pray:  Elusive God, Often I feel like I cannot see you or hear you or know you are here with me.  Help me to discern your presence and how you are calling me into a deeper knowing of you through the silence.  Amen.

Step 1: Lectio … Reading        Read Job 23:1-9, 16-17 silently to yourself twice, slowly and reverently.  Listen for a word or phrase that shimmers for you.  Know that as you move through Lectio the illumination of words/thoughts might change and that is ok ... simply move where Spirit leads.  Gently focus on the word or phrase that arises for you in any given reading.  Repeat it several times and allow it to speak deeply into your heart and mind all the way to your soul.

(The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice ™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society)
Job confided to his friends. Job: So once again you are telling me my complaint amounts to rebellion, that the heavy hand I feel upon me is smothering my groans? Would that I knew where to find Him. I would appear before Him. I would lay my case out before Him; I would fill up my mouth with arguments. And then I would finally learn how He would answer me, and I would understand what He tells me. Would He oppose me merely with His great power? Surely not! Surely He would show me the respect of listening to my argument. There, in that courtroom, a moral man might hope to reason with Him, and I would escape my Judge forever. Alas, wherever I go, ahead or behind, He is not there; I am unable to find Him. When He works on either side of me, I still cannot see Him.  Yes, God has melted my courage, and the Highest One has overwhelmed me with His terror. He could have turned me aside when the darkness came, but He did not cut me off. Nor does He hide my face from the gloom that has now overtaken me.
Step 2: Meditatio … Receiving
Read the passage a third time slowly.
Continue to focus on your word or phrase
(even if a different emphasis has emerged)   
Pay attention to the thoughts and feelings it evokes.
What images emerge in your imagination?   
What memories come to your mind?
Ask God to continue to speak to you through this word.   
Listen for God’s reply as you move through your day

Step 3: Oratio … Responding
Consider any desires that have been awakened by your prayer.  
Perhaps you have found an area of your life that needs attention.  
Do not rush ... wait and listen as God forms your prayers and desires

Step 4: Contempatio … Resting
Allow yourself to rest in the silence. 
Allow your mind to settle into the silence. 
When you feel the time to move on ...

Pray … Elusive God, hear my prayers.  Answer me when I call to you.  Come and make your home with me, speak to me, show me how I can listen for others as you have listened patiently for me.   … Amen

Cindy's Meditation ...  “the Highest One has overwhelmed me!”  In silence you are with me. 
In silence the beauty of the earth you created calls to me.  In silence your glory is revealed in the setting sun.  O God, Highest One, you have overwhelmed me with the beauty of Silence!  I find it almost incomprehensible that people suffer such darkness in the midst of such beauty in light ... it baffles me O Light of the World!

So … If you could ask God one question, what would that question be? 

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